Canva, a free custom graphics tool

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Canva home screen.

Canva is a tool to create graphics of many sorts, such as, posters, postcards, banners, and much more. Canva is an free and easy to use builder that anyone can customize. There are templates that you can use that come in various sizes for a specific poster you want. The templates include:

  • Social Media Posts
  • Documents
  • Blogging & eBooks
  • Marketing Materials
  • Social Media & Email headers
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Canva templates

Once you choose you template, you can choose your own layout. With this, you can change the colors of the poster, font, and images. There are tons of combinations that you can choose from. You can also start from a blank template, if you don’t want to start on a pre-made template.

I have used Canva various times in high school to create posters for upcoming events. I still use Canva now for classes that I need to make a custom graphic.

Donut Menu
An example of a Canva image that I made in one of my courses.