Class website

So for my photo gallery I made an interactive website for our class. I used a site called to do this. It is very easy to make a site there because most of the elements are drag and drop, no coding required.

To make the gallery interactive I first needed the profile pictures of everyone from the class, I just clicked on everyone’s blog and saved their profile picture, four people didn’t have on though. Once all of the pictures were in the gallery it was just a matter of making sure that the pictures were hyperlinked to the correct person’s blog. The site is running on weebly for free to look at.stuff


Wildcards are my personal favorites!

I love being able to fully express myself while seeing others do the same.

Wildcard assignments allows for one to focus on something one likes or loves even though it may be a bit odd or eccentric to others.

(Free Google Art)

Crystals of all kind I do Love! I honestly have a huge crush on mother nature in generall because she truly is a daily phenomenon and she holds so much wisdom to behold.

One of my favorite crystals is called a rose quartz crystal and I use them mainly for meditation and healing work. Quartz crystals come in many different variations, shapes and styles and they’re known to emit and or enhance positive or negative energies. What’s astonishing is the fact that the quartz crystals can also hold memory data!

Just look at what ZME Science have to say about it!

“Coined as the ‘Superman memory crystal’, as the glass memory has been compared to the “memory crystals” used in the Superman films, the data is recorded via self-assembled nanostructures created in fused quartz. The information encoding is realised in five dimensions: the size and orientation in addition to the three dimensional position of these nanostructures,” reads a press release.

Hubba Does It Well!

pexels-photo-938971.jpeg(Free Goggle Art)

Hubba will be on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram from April 29th- May 5th!

So what is Hubba?

Hubba is a global wholesale marketplace that powers the new retail economy. Using a combination of machine learning and personal curation, Hubba verifies and connects independent Brands and Retailers, making purchasing the right wholesale products easy. Hubba will become the driving force behind independent retail. By unifying independent Retailers, Hubba gives them the power they need to level the playing field. Hubba currently services 100,000 SMBs and counting.

With so many new and innovative retailers, this is just the help they’ll need to allow for greater sales and customer satisfaction.

It can be very competitive in today’s marketplace, and so any help that brings in greater exposure will always be benificial. Making things easier to find and navigate makes life much easier for many when time is a factor.

This is a great example of a curation done well by Hubba, and its very resourceful and easy to understand and navigate!

Astronomy & Black Holes

I have a deep love for the stars and so below I will link you to some really cool resourceful sites that I use which teaches on black holes and astronomy in general.

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Here is a very good link to one of NASA’s sites that allows one to really learn a lot in one place about black holes and how their growth may affect their host galaxies.

National Geographic

When one wants information about space-time and or how gravitational waves effect our earth, this is a very good site and its full of new discoveries geographically.

This site talks about the possibilities of a black hole apocalypse and it gives a very informative video about what one could expect if it were to happen to earth.

Astrophysical Journal Letter

This site allows scientists to come together globally with common monthly information about discoveries and calculations. The monthly letter for April 2018, talks about black holes. Oxford University publishes these monthly articles.


Journalism course breeding a skilled pre-med

Though I am not going into journalism, when I took this course I didn’t know that I would come out of it with so much knowledge in how to use different tools. These tools are not reserved for journalists only- I will not let them be.

I am going to take advantage of writing data stories. When I choose to do a write up on new data that comes out about the blood sugar of Americans and its corresponding medication Actos, I will make sure to stick to the facts just like I learned and let the results do the talking. I can even aggregate other sources within my data story to keep my fellow pre-meds up to date across the board on other relevant medical information.

My first data story about Michigan school comparisons.

Another tool I’m thankful for is Timeline JS. I remember how hard I thought constructing my first timeline was, but now I can easily see myself in the future using it as a presentation template. Timeline JS has gotten to be easy for me and I can stir up a quick timeline in minutes.

Coding is something I’ve always wanted to learn, and this course also fulfilled that wish. Now thanks to Code Academy I can do any basic coding and this can also help in presentations and who knows what other doors it might open up in the medical field. Technology and medicine always go great together.

Overall, there is important and useful information to learn everywhere we look. Now it is just up to us as to what we do with that information!