Wildcards are my personal favorites!

I love being able to fully express myself while seeing others do the same.

Wildcard assignments allows for one to focus on something one likes or loves even though it may be a bit odd or eccentric to others.

(Free Google Art)

Crystals of all kind I do Love! I honestly have a huge crush on mother nature in generall because she truly is a daily phenomenon and she holds so much wisdom to behold.

One of my favorite crystals is called a rose quartz crystal and I use them mainly for meditation and healing work. Quartz crystals come in many different variations, shapes and styles and they’re known to emit and or enhance positive or negative energies. What’s astonishing is the fact that the quartz crystals can also hold memory data!

Just look at what ZME Science have to say about it!

“Coined as the ‘Superman memory crystal’, as the glass memory has been compared to the “memory crystals” used in the Superman films, the data is recorded via self-assembled nanostructures created in fused quartz. The information encoding is realised in five dimensions: the size and orientation in addition to the three dimensional position of these nanostructures,” reads a press release.

Astronomy & Black Holes

I have a deep love for the stars and so below I will link you to some really cool resourceful sites that I use which teaches on black holes and astronomy in general.

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Here is a very good link to one of NASA’s sites that allows one to really learn a lot in one place about black holes and how their growth may affect their host galaxies.

National Geographic

When one wants information about space-time and or how gravitational waves effect our earth, this is a very good site and its full of new discoveries geographically.


This site talks about the possibilities of a black hole apocalypse and it gives a very informative video about what one could expect if it were to happen to earth.

Astrophysical Journal Letter

This site allows scientists to come together globally with common monthly information about discoveries and calculations. The monthly letter for April 2018, talks about black holes. Oxford University publishes these monthly articles.


Proposal: Black holes and how they affect us or effect us

I have chosen to write my proposal paper on the latest finds and understandings about black holes.

Being that I am majoring in Environmental Sciences, it only right to share the latest discoveries.

WHO: Black Holes

WHAT: Space and our environment: Black holes are outgrowing their stars and galaxies.

WHEN: Currently taking place above us all.

WHERE: In outer space 4.3 -12.2 billion light years away.

WHY: Because it matters! Our lives depend on what’s taking place above and below our environment daily.

When I finish this informative paper, I would have hoped to bring to the reader more awareness about these very important environmental phenomenons and more understanding on black holes in general through created dialog and curated links with facts.

I will be collecting most of my data and information from these collective governmental sites. (Nasa.gov) (Space.com) (Sciencedaily.com) (PBS.org)

I find that these sites stick to the facts and oftentimes they will team up with top universities globally to compare and contrast studies and records with the best equipment and telescopes created.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is on Twitter!

I’m new to the Twitter scene however, I am not at all new to social media. I seem to really like anything environmental especially cosmic based.

Neil Tyson is one of my favorite astrophysics along with the late Carl Sagan. I chose to follow Neil on Twitter because he knows his science stuff, and he has an amazing way of speaking scientifically. If you are interested in outer space and how the cosmos relate and affects us all through astronomy, then you’ll enjoy his Twitter posts and news.pexels-photo-110854.jpeg(free Google art)

Neil Tyson is best known for the Space odyssey where he took many of us on a quest to discover outer space in a creative documentary he did called COSMOS.

Neil took many of us on a 13 part sequel to Carl Sagan’s 1980 landmark television documentary called Cosmos. The Cosmos: A lifetime Odyssey, which was and still is a very informative space odyssey that takes one on many adventures with new discovers to be had.

I really like how Neil Tyson, displays himself; cool, funny and extremely smart. I have followed him on other social media sites as well for sometime now and so I can safely say whoever follows him is in for a informative cosmic treat!

An informative curration about space news!

Nuzzel is a great way to learn about aggregating creative stories and or reading on informative news.

NASA has some exciting news about Chandra’s new discoveries since it’s space launched in 1999. A particular Super Nova was discovered by Chinese astronomers in 1054 A.D. and was labeled as the Crab Nebula. A bright ring of highly energy charged particles around the heart of the Crab Nebula was than observed by Chandra in 1999 near the constellation Taurus.solar-system-emergence-spitzer-telescope-telescope-41951.jpegfree Google art

Since than many observations has taken place, and through X-ray data, Chandra has been able to take photos and extract new information on the Crab Nebula’s evolution. Chandra can detect x-ray emissions from very hot regions of the universe by design. Chandra will celebrated its 20th year anniversary space launch with NASA in the year 2019!

This Aggregation example is a very informative one and a great way to learn a lot in one place however, a lot of information sometimes given in one place can be a bit much.

Crab Nebula short video clip!